Friday, January 8, 2010

Hello to whoever is reading this... :)

It's been a crazy couple of weeks! Lots has happened, but I am happy to report that I have made it out semi-whole.

The first, and probably the craziest of things that has happened is that I turned 16! It's wonderful and scary at the same time. It feels like this year will be huge, although in what ways I know not. I just know that God has some amazing plans for me!

Yet another crazy thing is that I am going to be a big sister again. I am still a little shocked about the whole thing, but really excited. We were privileged to see an ultrasound the other day, and it was really exciting to see a completely active little one.

Today my Bible study 'Believing God' by Beth Moore took me to Hebrews, where I read about Abraham. She talked about how Abraham left everything for something God had promised later. How often do we do the things God asks us to, knowing that the fulfillment of the promise will come later? This was something that made my mind spin. Often, I find myself feeling restless and impatient for God to come through with the plan. Maybe in those times, God just wants us to be still and wait. Sometimes that's hard, but maybe God is trying to teach us a lesson in patience, trust and a number of other things. Just some food for thought. :)

There isn't much else to report, but I know I cam constantly in need of the grace of God. May He be glorified through my words. :)
